An Eclectic Showcase

Alongside an order of room placards and directories, illustrious maketing consultant Saatchi & Saatchi called on Blik to provide a series dimmensional signs in a dazzling variety of scales, angles and media to match the ecclectic feel of their lavishly decorated El Segundo work space.

Varying Visual Impact
Saatchi & Saatchi needed a bredth of eyecatching signage strategies to help orient users to their highly catered space.
Back-lit, interior-lit, neon, glass-stenciled, lenticular and even anamorphic depth were among the manufacturing styles Blik was ready to employ in keeping every twist and turn fun, novel, and clearly labeled.

Down To The Room Number
On top of the more show-stopping sign displays was a simple but sleekly manufactured suite of ADA compliant placards each room, as well as vibrant framed directory print.

Ready To Go Custom?
Get in touch with Blik Studio to take your space to the next level, or check out more Custom Projects x BLIK